GVP Voicepack Decompiler

Basic information

This program may be used to decompile any GVP Voicepack file used in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002, no matter if it is original or created using the Voicepack SDK.

The program reads a voicepack file and creates a configuration file and a phrase file, which can be used to re-compile the voicepack using VPEdit from the Voicepack SDK, and it also extracts all WAV files used in the voicepack. So that you should be able to recompile the GVP using VPEdit immediately after decompiling it.

Version history

1.1 – current version. Added a simple dialog box interface as an alternative to the command line interface.
1.0 – initial release.


You can download the software here. The ZIP archive (70,396 bytes) contains the following files:

How to install?

Just download, unpack, and run!